Certificate III in Community ServicesCertificate III in Community Services

What is community service?

Community service can be simply defined as a work that is done by people for the benefit of others. It is commonly done in places near where you live so that the community as a whole can benefit from your deeds. However, community service is a work that you don’t get paid but for the benefit of the community. This is a work that requires volunteers and not employers. Community service is of great importance to the student as it instills the learner with a tremendous skill that is important in their daily lives.

Skills required to archive a certificate III in community services?
In community service, various skills are required that are going to enable you to make it in life. The learner will archive skills that will enable him or her to follow a safe and efficient work practice. this is achieved trough direct handling of clients and also managing infection control. This is very essential as it will help the learner to cope with situations and proper care of customers.

Happy Hispanic senior woman uses a walker in a nursing home. She is also walking with the help of a physical therapist and the woman’s granddaughter. The therapist is wearing pink scrubs and is holding a clipboard. The patient’s granddaughter is wearing a light blue cardigan.

Another skill is having information about the human body. The learner will know the major parts of the body. Also, the learner will get to know the anatomical terminologies and also get to understand the benefits of maintaining hygiene and ways that will help to promote proper functioning of the body.

It also promotes good relations with older people. Hence enabling proper coexistence and good handling of clients. This will promote the rights of people and also promotes independence in a firm
However effective communications will also be gained. This will promote proper co-existence in the workplace and also proper respect or protocols. It also promotes collaboration among the colleagues hence bringing about a sense of brotherhood in the workplace.

It also instills the learner with proper relationships with people from diverse backgrounds. It also promotes appropriate response to this diversity and well recognition of culture.
It also builds an interpersonal relationship, defines systems and boundaries.this helps the client to identify places of concern and also share information with people about services and options within their reach.

It also aids in identifying different helplines that will be of great importance in times of need. It also builds qualities that will help when dealing with those in health problems or mental disorders.
It promotes effective management of the workplace and the smooth running of activities. It also promotes commitment and empowerment of work. It also helps in instilling people with self-reliance ad to learn to relate well with people from different environments.

What you can do after obtaining a certificate?

A graduate with a certificate can work in various industries related to community services course. This is places like:

  • Welfare support
  • Youth work
  • Counseling

Rehabilitation institutions

However, a graduate can even be employed in non-government organizations which pays well this is because of their qualities on issued of handling people. This certificate can be a stepping stone for you in your career. This is because a person with this certificate can handle situations very well and even be good managers in their workplace. This is a certificate that can bring a total turn in your life. It can take you places that you never expected. With this certificate, your problems can finally be turned into solutions.